Our aims and values

A community that grows and develops children into social , successful and happy adults

All of our children are given the very best opportunities to thrive in our happy, caring  environment so that they can become confident, enthusiastic learners for life.

We pride ourselves on a creative, flexible curriculum which is tailored to excite the children in their learning and develop their knowledge, skills and understanding, ensuring they reach their full potential.

As a school we aim to give children opportunities and experiences  which build on skills and ultimately build social and confident children who are ‘Secondary Ready’ in readiness for adulthood.

Basic skills are at the heart , as well as ensuring children are emotionally resilient, can cope with challenge and add value to the community.

At Wheeler Primary School our values permeate all areas of school life and are reflected by the schools simple motto ‘BRILL’ this stands for – Being Respectful, Responsible and Resilient in Learning and Life.

We deliver a broad and balanced curriculum which inspires children and allows them to become immersed in a topic while ensure that there is a clear progression of knowledge and skills across the school.

We strive to make our children passionate for learning and make their learning as enjoyable, meaningful and relevant as possible. We offer children an excellent education in a safe, calm, creative, inclusive and stimulating environment. Every child is valued as an individual; we aim to nurture well rounded, respectful and confident children who will develop skills for life-long learning.

We nurture our children on their journey and encourage them to be creative, unique, open-minded and independent individuals, respectful of themselves and of others in our school, our local community and the wider world.

We take our responsibility to prepare children for life in modern Britain and ensure that the fundamental British Values are introduced, discussed and lived out through the ethos and work of our school.

The HCAT Signature

Promoting community,
Building effective relationships,
ownership of own actions,
resolving conflicts.

HCAT Signature:
Community members;
– feel they belong
– have a voice and influence
– challenge appropriately
– understand fair process
– resolve conflicts
– take responsibility

Developing the ability to think, reason, problem solve and apply learning

HCAT Signature:
Community members;
– are lifelong learners
– have a growth mindset
– can apply knowledge skills and understanding
– are ready for the next stage

Promoting character traits to deal with the challenges of life.

HCAT Signature:
Community members;
– demonstrate the appropriate key character virtues particularly resilience and resourcefulness
– contribute positively to the community
– have a social conscience
– are responsible citizens

Developing the value of self and others, enabling a social and emotional place to learn.

HCAST Signature:
Community members;
– have a strong identity
– are happy and secure
– are able to empathise and care for others
– value self and others

Facilitating a broad range of experience and opportunities to open doors

HCAT Signature:
Community members;
– are able to broaden horizons
– shape their own mindset
– make informed choices
– have equal opportunities

Pupils are encouraged to develop a positive attitude towards themselves and others.

Ofsted comments

The staff are really encouraging. They always help us to be the best we can be

Children's comments

The best thing is having someone to go to when you’re upset

Children's comments

There are
opportunities for pupils to attend different clubs and raise funds for charities

Ofsted comments

Leaders and teachers have high expectations for every child.

Ofsted comments

Pupils enjoy coming to Wheeler Primary School every day.

Ofsted comments

They want pupils to ‘Be Respectful, Responsible and Resilient in Learning and Life’

Ofsted comments

Classrooms are calm and purposeful places for pupils to learn.

Ofsted comments

Throughout my time at Wheeler, I have been given so many opportunities to experience and learn new things

Children's comments

Pupils report that bullying is rare, but if it happens, staff will sort it out quickly and fairly.

Ofsted comments

It is a safe and happy place to learn.

Ofsted comments

The support that leaders provide for families is a strength of the school.

Ofsted comments

Parents say that the school is ‘fantastic’ and that staff ‘greet the children come hail, rain or shine’ every morning as they arrive.

Ofsted comments

Everyone cares for each other and that every teacher adds a little bit of fun into every lesson

Children's comments

The school has made recent changes to the teaching
of phonics to help pupils get off to the best start with their reading.

Ofsted comments

The teachers are so supportive they help and guide you all the way through the year

Children's comments

The leader’s vision for the school is demonstrated in the way pupils behave

Ofsted comments

I think the best thing about being a Wheeler pupil is that all of the staff listen and care about you

Children's comments

Leaders give pupils the opportunity to complete well-planned and exciting
activities, such as performing in front of an audience, in order to create a ‘bag’ full of life experiences as they progress through the school. .

Ofsted comments

Leaders are passionate about preparing pupils to be good citizens for the world beyond Wheeler Primary School

Ofsted comments

Pupils take books home which contain the sounds that they are learning in class. This gives them plenty of practice.

Ofsted comments

Pupils in key stage 2 talk confidently about a wide range of authors and texts they have read.

Ofsted comments

The pastoral team works well together to ensure that pupils are safe.

Ofsted comments

Being at Wheeler is like being part of a family and that makes learning fun

Children's comments

Pupils are proud to be part of the Wheeler family.

Ofsted comments

Pupils are excited about adding experiences to their ‘Bag for Life’.

Ofsted comments

Leaders have designed and implemented an ambitious and well-planned curriculum.

Ofsted comments