Maths – curriculum information

Maths at Wheeler

At Wheeler we are committed to ensuring that every child meets their full potential in mathematics. With this as the driving force behind all mathematical teaching and learning, we have adopted a strategy known as teaching for mastery.

What is “Teaching for Mastery”?

Teaching for mastery is a strategy similar to those used by high performing education systems across the world. It is a system that encourages a higher standard of mathematical understanding for all pupils. In doing so, the gap in attainment between all pupils of all abilities decreases. Teaching for mastery is a teaching approach developed to allow all children access to the mathematics curriculum. This means that the vast majority of pupils progress through the curriculum content at the same pace. Some children will be challenged within lessons to help develop a deep understanding of a concept whereas others may need support and intervention to ensure they are able to move forward with their learning at the same pace as their peers.

Maths Teaching at Wheeler

At Wheeler, we aim to ensure that Maths is taught through well-structured and resourced lessons that are designed to develop a deep understanding of any given mathematical concept. In doing so, we endeavour to develop the pupil’s procedural (being able to carry out a task using a specific operation) and conceptual (being able to use reasoning skills to justify methods) knowledge.

At Wheeler, the learning of a new mathematical concept is underpinned by a three-step process: concrete, pictorial and abstract. It will begin with the children using real objects and mathematical apparatus in order to link the ‘real world’ with an abstract concept. As children’s understanding develops, they will work with pictorial representations of the same concept. This assists the children in developing their understanding of a concept within a range of contexts. When the children have shown they are competent in this area, they will be better equipped to apply their skills to an abstract method.

Throughout their time at Wheeler, your children can expect to become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics. This process begins in EYFS and continues through to the end of Year Six. The mathematical concepts the children have been taught in their early schooling career will be enhanced through frequent practice of basic skills which will become increasingly more complex as their journey throughout the school continues.

Multiplication Tables


Multiplication facts are the foundation of many mathematical problems and is recognised by Wheeler Primary School as a ‘Basic Skill’.

Times tables are at the heart of mental arithmetic, which helps form the basis of a child’s understanding and ability when working with number. Once the children have learnt their times tables by heart, they are then able to work far more confidently and efficiently through a wide range of more advanced calculations. At Wheeler Primary School, we believe that through a variety of interactive, visual, engaging and rote learning techniques, all children can achieve the full times table knowledge by the time they complete their primary education.

At Wheeler, we rehearse our times tables every day and record these in our Times Tables Practice book. We verbally rehearse using ‘rolling numbers’ which can be found at: The children are then tested weekly using the following test: You could use this at home to help your child improve their speed and accuracy.

To help your child with the key skill of times tables at home, please encourage them to logon to Times Tables Rockstars (Y3-6): or Numbots (EYFS-Y2):


You can find your child’s logon details attached to their Reading Record. If you have any issues logging-on, please speak with your child’s teacher.

Information for parents

There are
opportunities for pupils to attend different clubs and raise funds for charities

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The leader’s vision for the school is demonstrated in the way pupils behave

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The school has made recent changes to the teaching
of phonics to help pupils get off to the best start with their reading.

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Pupils take books home which contain the sounds that they are learning in class. This gives them plenty of practice.

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Pupils are encouraged to develop a positive attitude towards themselves and others.

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It is a safe and happy place to learn.

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They want pupils to ‘Be Respectful, Responsible and Resilient in Learning and Life’

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The teachers are so supportive they help and guide you all the way through the year

Children's comments

Leaders give pupils the opportunity to complete well-planned and exciting
activities, such as performing in front of an audience, in order to create a ‘bag’ full of life experiences as they progress through the school. .

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Everyone cares for each other and that every teacher adds a little bit of fun into every lesson

Children's comments

Leaders are passionate about preparing pupils to be good citizens for the world beyond Wheeler Primary School

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Leaders have designed and implemented an ambitious and well-planned curriculum.

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Pupils in key stage 2 talk confidently about a wide range of authors and texts they have read.

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The support that leaders provide for families is a strength of the school.

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Parents say that the school is ‘fantastic’ and that staff ‘greet the children come hail, rain or shine’ every morning as they arrive.

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The best thing is having someone to go to when you’re upset

Children's comments

Being at Wheeler is like being part of a family and that makes learning fun

Children's comments

The staff are really encouraging. They always help us to be the best we can be

Children's comments

Classrooms are calm and purposeful places for pupils to learn.

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Pupils report that bullying is rare, but if it happens, staff will sort it out quickly and fairly.

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Throughout my time at Wheeler, I have been given so many opportunities to experience and learn new things

Children's comments

Pupils are excited about adding experiences to their ‘Bag for Life’.

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I think the best thing about being a Wheeler pupil is that all of the staff listen and care about you

Children's comments

The pastoral team works well together to ensure that pupils are safe.

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Leaders and teachers have high expectations for every child.

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Pupils enjoy coming to Wheeler Primary School every day.

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Pupils are proud to be part of the Wheeler family.

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