Special Educational Needs and Disability

At Wheeler Primary School we are committed to offering an inclusive curriculum to ensure the best possible outcomes for all of our pupils whatever their needs and abilities.

We seek to ensure that pupils with special educational needs and disabilities are fully included in all aspects of school life. We believe that pupils with SEN and their parents/carers should be at the heart of planning and decision making.

We aim to provide opportunities for pupils with SEN and their parents/carers to play an active role in planning their provision in accordance with the SEND Code of Practice 2014.

Hull’s Local Offer

The local authority has a legal duty to publish information about what is available in the local area to support children with special eduational needs and disabilities and their families.

To find out more, click on the link below:

Further information for parents:

The best thing to do is to make an appointment to have a chat with your child’s class teacher. They will listen to your concerns and talk about what your child is like at school.

Together you will decide what needs to happen next. This might simply be a case of monitoring the situation, or together you might decide to put some extra support in place. Sometimes it might be appropriate for you to have a chat with the SENCO (special educational needs co-ordinator); the class teacher will discuss this with you.

If your child’s class teacher has any concerns about progress they will arrange to meet with you to talk about what those concerns are. They will be interested in hearing your views too, and might ask you questions about what your child is like at home, what their strengths are as well as their weaknesses. They might also ask you questions about their earlier development.

Together you will decide what needs to happen next. This might be a case of monitoring the situation, or together you might decide to put some extra support in place. Sometimes it might be appropriate for you to have a chat with the SENCO (special educational needs co-ordinator); the class teacher will discuss this with you.

To decide whether or not a pupil has special educational needs we look at the legal definition of SEN in the SEND Code of Practice 2014. This says that:

“A child or young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her. A child has a learning difficulty or disability if they;

  • Have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age; or
  • Have a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools.”

Our decision is based on lots of things. Your views are very important, as are the views of your child and the class teacher. We look at progress and the work in books. We observe pupils both inside and outside the classroom. We sometimes carry out a range of tests so that we have a better understanding of your child’s strengths and weaknesses. This helps us to target support more effectively.

The type of support your child receives will depend upon their individual needs and is tailored to help them to achieve positive outcomes. The type of support currently offered in school includes:

  • Differentiation and scaffolding – this is when the class teacher modifies work to enable pupils to do similar work to the other children in the class
  • Small group work – either in or out of the classroom with adult support
  • One to one support
  • Specialised programmes for pupils with particular learning difficulties such as reading, spelling or mathematical difficulties
  • Life skills groups
  • Social skills programmes
  • Communication programmes for pupil with interaction difficulties
  • Language enrichment groups for pupils who need to develop their vocabulary
  • Speech and language therapy programmes
  • Fine and gross motor skills programmes
  • Behaviour programmes

Many pupils with SEN have an individual education plan (IEP) which provides details about the extra support they are receiving in school, and helps parents to support their child at home. The class teacher and SENCO will also be happy to help you with ideas for home.

Most of the time your child will work with their class teacher. Whoever else works with your child, the class teacher retains responsibility for their education. Other adults who might work with your child could include:

  • An ASA (Acheivement Support Assistant)
  • The Emotional Well-Being Worker
  • Another teacher from the same year group
  • The SENCO
  • Specialists from outside the school such as the educational psychologist, teachers of children with physical and sensory difficulties, teachers of children with learning difficulties, speech and language therapists, the school nurse, family practitioners.

We will always let you know before someone from outside the school works with your child.

You will be invited to attend regular progress meetings with your child’s class teacher. At the meeting you will have the chance to discuss the progress that has been made and together you can plan what the next steps are. If you have concerns about your child’s progress, however, you don’t need to wait until the next progress meeting. Simply contact the school to make an appointment to see your child’s class teacher.

Some pupils can find it difficult when they make the move from one class to another at the start of a new school year. This can be a very worrying time for parents too, especially when pupils move from one key stage to the next or from primary to secondary school.

For pupils who would benefit from additional support we make special transition arrangements. These can include:

  • Preparation of a transition book which includes photographs of key people and places in the new classroom or setting, as well as other useful information
  • Short visits to the new classroom or setting
  • Introducing new staff to pupils in familiar surroundings
  • Communication Passports containing important information about the child to share with new staff

Pupils are excited about adding experiences to their ‘Bag for Life’.

Ofsted comments

Throughout my time at Wheeler, I have been given so many opportunities to experience and learn new things

Children's comments

Pupils enjoy coming to Wheeler Primary School every day.

Ofsted comments

Leaders and teachers have high expectations for every child.

Ofsted comments

The best thing is having someone to go to when you’re upset

Children's comments

I think the best thing about being a Wheeler pupil is that all of the staff listen and care about you

Children's comments

The support that leaders provide for families is a strength of the school.

Ofsted comments

Leaders are passionate about preparing pupils to be good citizens for the world beyond Wheeler Primary School

Ofsted comments

They want pupils to ‘Be Respectful, Responsible and Resilient in Learning and Life’

Ofsted comments

Leaders have designed and implemented an ambitious and well-planned curriculum.

Ofsted comments

Leaders give pupils the opportunity to complete well-planned and exciting
activities, such as performing in front of an audience, in order to create a ‘bag’ full of life experiences as they progress through the school. .

Ofsted comments

Classrooms are calm and purposeful places for pupils to learn.

Ofsted comments

Everyone cares for each other and that every teacher adds a little bit of fun into every lesson

Children's comments

Pupils are encouraged to develop a positive attitude towards themselves and others.

Ofsted comments

The staff are really encouraging. They always help us to be the best we can be

Children's comments

There are
opportunities for pupils to attend different clubs and raise funds for charities

Ofsted comments

The pastoral team works well together to ensure that pupils are safe.

Ofsted comments

It is a safe and happy place to learn.

Ofsted comments

The leader’s vision for the school is demonstrated in the way pupils behave

Ofsted comments

Pupils take books home which contain the sounds that they are learning in class. This gives them plenty of practice.

Ofsted comments

Parents say that the school is ‘fantastic’ and that staff ‘greet the children come hail, rain or shine’ every morning as they arrive.

Ofsted comments

Pupils report that bullying is rare, but if it happens, staff will sort it out quickly and fairly.

Ofsted comments

The school has made recent changes to the teaching
of phonics to help pupils get off to the best start with their reading.

Ofsted comments

Pupils are proud to be part of the Wheeler family.

Ofsted comments

Being at Wheeler is like being part of a family and that makes learning fun

Children's comments

Pupils in key stage 2 talk confidently about a wide range of authors and texts they have read.

Ofsted comments

The teachers are so supportive they help and guide you all the way through the year

Children's comments