Wheeler Primary School

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Proud to be part of

Hull Collaborative Academy Trust

The Outdoors

Children have access to outside area daily, the door is opened up during the day and children are able to access freely, meaning children can make their own choice to play inside or out!

Appropriate clothing is provided for the seasons, sun hats, winter hats, scarves, fleeces, wellies, and waterproof over-suits, waterproof jackets and body warmers. Children are encouraged to develop independence through attempting to put their own coat, wellies and hats on.

The outside area boasts a number of areas including; talking area, mark making areas, a Wendy house, large sand pit and hill to climb. We also have a separate digging area, which the children love, a herb garden and a wonderful mud kitchen.

Both the Blue and Yellow Room children access the shared garden area and this gives them a lovely opportunity to interact with older children or indeed their siblings.

The children love to explore outside and there are many learning opportunities and experiences in offer outside!

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