Wheeler Primary School

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Proud to be part of

Hull Collaborative Academy Trust

Physical Education


PE – Curriculum Information

At Wheeler, we are keen to encourage all children to lead balanced, active healthy lifestyles and instil a love for physical activity which will led to lifelong participation in sport. Physical Education (PE)  lessons are a pivotal part of this as we teach children to develop a wide range of fundamental movement skills and sports specific skills in fun and engaging ways. Our aims, in line with the national curriculum, are for children to:

· develop their skills in a broad range of physical activities

· be physically active for sustained periods of time

· engage in competitive sports and activities

· lead healthy, active lives.

Over the course of their time at Wheeler, your child will have the opportunity to practise and apply their fundamental movement skills through playing a variety of games, including tennis, cricket and netball. They will also develop their agility, balance and coordination through gymnastics and dance. Furthermore, swimming is a life skill we put at the forefront of our curriculum. Children in Year 5 will take part in a block of swimming lessons with any children not attaining the required 25m attending further top up sessions in Year 6.

Children in Year 1 have the opportunity to become physical active through Go Scoot lessons where they will learn to ride, stop and be safe on a scooter. Road safety and awareness is further developed in Year 3 as children complete their pedestrian skills and children in Year 5 practise their cycling skills through the Bikeability scheme.

Each class will have two hours of P.E per week. Please refer to the class newsletter for details of the days your child’s class does P.E.

In addition to timetabled P.E lessons, your child will have the opportunity to engage in competitive sport, either against other classes in the school, or other schools in the area in competitions and tournaments. They will also have the opportunity to develop their fitness and skill level through a variety of after school clubs.

After successfully completing Hull active schools for 4 years and gaining gold status each year, Wheeler Primary will be aiming for the platinum award this year. This shows our schools commitment and dedication to the Physical Education curriculum as well as the extra curricular activities that we offer to the children in our school.

If you have any questions about P.E provision or would like to know about local clubs and activities that may be available to your child, please contact Mrs Marshall.

Information for parents

Physical Education – curriculum information for families

Whole School Long Term Plan for Physical Education

Whole School Progression PE


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