Wheeler Primary School

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Proud to be part of

Hull Collaborative Academy Trust


British Values

PSHE – Curriculum Information

Modern British Values


• Restorative practice values – problem solving

• School/class charters

• Direct teaching through the curriculum

• Year 5 London visit to Parliament

• Vision and values

• Enterprise education

• Children involved in parent consults (‘with’ not ‘to’)

• A pupil in each class will presented with a ‘Pupil of the Week’ award in Merit Assembly each week which is done by votes each week.

• Pupils contribute and shape school policies and procedures.

• House and Vice House Captains

Rule of Law

• Restorative practice circles

• Mini Police

• Prison Me, No Way

• Behaviour policy

• Classroom/school rules

  • High expectations and clear boundaries

• Bikeability (safety and road rules)

• Visits from community leaders (police, religions)

• Modelling upstanding behaviour

• Cross-cultural law and acceptance through R.E. and PSHE

• Social rules –sporting/friendship/class

Tolerance of Culture, Faith and Others

• Accessibility Policy

• Celebration of different festivals e.g. Harvest, Christmas, Chinese New Year, Diwali, Eid etc.)

• Visits to places of worship carefully woven in to the RW curriculum.

• International languages day

• Disability equality

• Local, national and global charity work

• Circles to reflect assemblies and reflection time based on world events/current topical issues

Mutual Respect

• SEAL – Jigsaw


• E/Safety

• R.W. curriculum

• Sports day competitions

• Christian Values

• Restorative practice – circles/reflection

• Specific visits to places of worship

• Marking policy – peer-critique

• Parent consultations

• Class charters

• BRILL values

• Bag for Life

• Family Phase events

Liberty and Personal Responsibility

• Class charters

• School and class rules

• Class monitors/school jobs and responsibilities

• Pupil voice – circle time, feelings

• Homework and home reading

• Restorative practice – circles, community building and reflection

• Pre-planning – following children’s interests

• Sports competitions

• ‘Can do’ ethos

• Commitment to extra-curricular activities

• Sports teams

• Keeping ourselves/others safe

• BRILL value

• Bag for Life

• Groundforce events

Further information:

PSHE – curriculum intent

Whole School LTP PSHE


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