Year 3 Curriculum
Year 3!
It has been fantastic to see you all after the holiday and welcome you back into our classroom and routines. We are really looking forward to what is to come in the new term and progressing our learning forward. This term we will be focusing on developing the children’s resilience in learning and furthering their independence across all lessons.
Check out our Spring Term newsletter below to find out more about what we will be looking at across the curriculum this term.
It is important to encourage your child to read at home at least 3 times per week to receive their Regular Reader stamp. Remember that reading any book is fantastic, not just your school book. We would love to see these recorded in your reading records!
Homework will be given out weekly on a Friday to be brought back to school on the following Friday. The homework will be linked to writing, maths and vocabulary to help complement our learning within the classroom.
Spellings will be given out on a Monday morning ready for a Spelling test on Friday.
Thank you for your support.
Miss Williams & Mr Kirby
Year 4 Curriculum
Happy New Year and welcome back to school Year 4!
This term, our curriculum will have lots of Reading, Writing and Maths opportunities and we will be reading the highly acclaimed book ‘The Last Bear’.
In Geography, we will be comparing the Yorkshire and Humber region to a region in Italy, Campania, looking at the physical and human features.
Please encourage your child to bring their book bag every day. Three reads a week, signed by an adult, earns the title “Regular Reader” and we are aiming for 100% across both classes.
All children in Year 4 are expected to know and recall all times tables up to and including 12 x 12. Please help your child to learn their times tables so that they will be prepared for this an online National test in June.
This website can help.
PE lessons will take place inside so the children do not need their PE kits.
Spellings remain a focus and your child will bring their spellings home each week on a Monday to learn ready for a spelling test on the Friday.
Homework will be sent home each Monday. Please encourage your child to complete the tasks, returning them to school the following week.
Merits will be awarded each week, so keep an eye out for a special certificate coming home with your child. We will inform you if they are due to receive one using Marvellous Me.
Miss Jennings and Miss Osborne.
Year 5 Curriculum
Welcome back to Year 5, Spring Term!
This term, we will be looking at Slavery and the movements which helped in its abolishment, requiring us to develop our understanding of society and the economic hardships of the time as well as world-wide trade.
In our Literacy lessons, we will explore a range of texts, but in particular, we will explore Freedom 1783 and write our own exciting letters, putting ourselves in the shoes of other people. We will then write about William Wilberforce.
Our Maths this term will cover methods for multiplication and division, fractions, decimals and percentages. We will use a range of maths equipment and pictures to support our understanding further. As usual, children are able to bring these worksheets and challenge tasks home to show and explain what we are doing in class.
Science focuses on the properties of materials and how they can be changed.
As always, we look forward to PE on Fridays and the many other exciting learning opportunities that come our way. This term, we will be covering dance and cricket. Bikeability also takes place this term so please keep an eye out for more information coming your way!
In Religion and World Views/PSHE, we will also look at how we welcome people and embrace their cultural identity. We will explore our own identity too which ties in nicely to our current Art topic. High aspirations for the future is something we are always keen to develop, so many conversations will be had around what the children envision for the future.
Homework will be set every Monday and be collected in by no later than the following Monday. Spellings will be set on Monday and tested on Fridays.
We really love to hear about all of the exciting books, non-fiction texts and poetry your children read at home and welcome any comments from the children, parents or carers about what has been read. The expectation of reading a minimum of three times a week has an excellent impact on reading stamina and creative writing in school. We would also encourage the use of Times Tables Rockstars as this supports your child’s fluency in Maths lessons.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mr Richards & Miss Morrice
Year 6 Curriculum
Welcome back for Spring Term!
This term, the children will have lots of opportunities to gain new skills and learn new knowledge. In History, we will be exploring ancient civilisations are looking at similarities and differences between these. In Geography, we will be learning about natural resources and locating where these are found across the world. They will also have opportunities to be creative in our Art lessons where we will be looking at chairs. They will explore use of colour and shape and discuss the ‘personality’ of chairs.
In PE, the children will be developing their hocket skills and using their hand-eye co-ordination. We will also be taking part in some dance lessons and using dance to tell a story. The children will be provided with shorts and a t-shirt but are expected to bring suitable footwear. Please be advised that we are continuing to have PE lessons outdoors so check the weather, and the children may bring additional jumpers/sports trousers to school with them on these days.
Spring term is particularly important in Year 6 as we near the week of the SATs exams. The children will be tested in Maths, Reading and Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling. We will be working hard in school to ensure the children feel well-prepared for these. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher.
The children are encouraged to take responsibility for their learning and will be provided with their spellings to take home to practice. They will also have access to Times Table Rockstars where they can practice their times table facts. We encourage the children to read at least times at week and this can be logged in their Reading Records.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Amorim and Mr Gregory