Wheeler Primary School

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Hull Collaborative Academy Trust



Year 4 Curriculum

Welcome to the Summer Term Year 4!

This term, our curriculum will continue to have lots of Reading, Writing and Maths opportunities. Our topic this term will be “Vikings”. We will be immersing ourselves in the world of How to Train Your Dragon!

Our History themed topic this term is The Vikings and The Anglo-Saxons. We will look at their lives at home and their adventures across the world.

Thank you for sending in your Viking shields and helmets. They will be much enjoyed on our spark day.

Please encourage your child to bring their book bag every day. Three reads a week, signed by an adult, earns the title “Regular Reader” and we are aiming for 100% across both classes.

All children in Year 4 are expected to know and recall all times tables up to and including 12 x 12. Please help your child to learn their times tables so that they will be prepared for their times tables test and Year 5.

This website can help. https://ttrockstars.com

PE lessons will take place outside so please make sure that your child has an outdoor PE kit (including suitable footwear) in school each day as we will take full advantage of good weather.

Spellings remain a focus and your child will bring their spellings home each week on a Monday, to learn ready for a spelling test on the Friday.

Homework will handed out on a Friday. Please encourage your child to complete the tasks, returning them to school the following week.

Merits will be awarded each week, so keep an eye out for a special certificate coming home with your child.

Miss Clegg and Mr Richards

Further information:

Y4 Summer Curriculum Newsletter

Y4 Spring Curriculum Newsletter

Y4 Curriculum Newsletter Autumn

Year 5 Curriculum

Welcome to the Summer Term Year 5!

This term, we will be developing our learning in all areas of the curriculum. We will have many opportunities to develop our: Reading, Writing and Maths skills during this final term in Year 5. Our overall topic for the term is The Ancient Greeks and we will be immersing ourselves into this in many different ways.

We have many exciting texts to focus on this term, including ‘Who Let the Gods out?’, ‘Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief’ and ‘So You Think You’ve Got it Bad’.

In our History and Geography units, we will be taking a closer look into Greece as a country – past and present. Exploring everything the country has to offer. We will then look at Greece further in out Art and DT units; we know everyone is going to be excited to create and try Greek food.

We are looking forward to seeing the children’s Easter Challenge creations. I’m sure the children will agree that these are always a fantastic addition to the classroom displays.

Please encourage your children to continue to read at home regularly and complete their weekly homework and spellings.

Just a reminder that PE will be outside this term so please send the children with appropriate PE kit at the start of each week.

We are excited for everything this term has to offer and we can’t wait to see the progression the children make before entering their final year at Wheeler.

Mrs Hall and Mrs Morrice

Further information:

Y5 Summer Curriculum Newsletter

Y5 Spring Curriculum Newsletter

Y5 Curriculum Newsletter Autumn

Year 6 Curriculum

Welcome back to the Summer Term in Year 6!

We are now in the final term of primary school although the goodbyes haven’t started just yet: we’ve got lots of exciting things to do first! From showing off all of your hard work during the SATs week, to our residential in June!

The Summer term is still packed full of fantastic lessons and opportunities which will allow us to develop skills in areas such as humanities, the arts and religious/social studies. We will also be spending our time in the first two weeks practising our Maths and English skills in preparation for the end-of-year SATs.

This term, our topic is ‘Time Warp’. Within this topic there will be a focus on transition and how to cope with the new and exciting challenges which we will face at secondary school. We will also conduct an independent, child-led study on comparing two localities, in Geography. We will apply all of our map-reading skills and locational knowledge to this project.

We will have transition meetings with secondary schools and the children will also go to their schools for a week at the end of the term, in July.

After SATs, we will also begin to rehearse our end-of-year production.

Reading, Writing and Maths continue to be key subjects in Year 6 and are the foundations for all of the other subjects. We begin the term revising for the end-of-year SATs. Across Literacy, we will be exploring the text ‘Darwin’s Dragons’ as our key driver for developing our reading and writing skills.

Year 6 now have their PE lessons on a Wednesday (6A) and a Thursday (6K), so please make sure your child has appropriate footwear and a water bottle. Weather dependant, we will be enjoying our PE lessons outside for this term.

We really love to hear about all of the exciting books, non-fiction text and poetry your children read at home and welcome any comments from the children, parents or carers about what has been read. The expectation of reading a minimum of three times a week has an excellent impact on reading stamina and creative writing in school.

As always, thank you for your continued support.

The Year 6 Team

Further information:

Y6 Summer Curriculum Newsletter

Y6 Spring Curriculum Newsletter

Y6 Curriculum Newsletter Autumn


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