Wheeler Primary School

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Proud to be part of

Hull Collaborative Academy Trust



Year 1 Curriculum

This term our topic is Up, Up and Away. All our cross-curricular work will focus on journeys within the UK and further afield. We will be exploring the capital city of London through our Geography and Literacy topics. Another of our key inspirations for this term is Amy Johnson who was the first woman to fly from England to Australia.

It is important to encourage your child to read at home at least 3 times per week to receive their regular reader stamp. Remember that reading any book is fantastic, not just your (green) reading or (red) library book. This needs to be noted in their reading records.

Homework will continue to be given out weekly on a Friday to be brought back the following week. The homework will be linked to spellings, basic skills, phonics and activities to help complement their learning within the classroom. We will continue practising Year 1 spellings based on our phonic sounds that we are focusing on that week. 8 words will be sent home with the homework for the children to practise.

Thank you again for your continued support.

Y1 Teachers

Further information:

Y1 Summer Curriculum Newsletter

Y1 Spring Curriculum Newsletter

Y1 Curriculum Newsletter Autumn

Year 2 Curriculum

Welcome back to school Year 2!

Our topic this term is all about the Seaside.

Through this topic we will be learning about the Geography of a local seaside town and our local history of the Hull Fishing Industry.

Some important dates for this Term are:

  • KS1 SATs – Week commencing 20th May 2024
  • Phonics Screening Check Resit – Week commencing 10th June 2024

PE lessons this term will be outside. Please ensure your child has outdoor P.E. Kit with them on the correct day, including trainers and a jumper.

PE days are:              2M – Monday                 2S – Wednesday

It is important to encourage your child to read at home at least 3 times per week to receive their regular reader stamp. Remember that reading any book is fantastic, not just your Phonics or Fluency book. We would love to see these recorded in your reading records!

Homework will be given out weekly on a Friday to be brought back to school on the following Friday. The homework will be linked to Reading, Writing and Maths, to help complement our learning within the classroom.

Spellings will be given out on a Friday, with your homework, ready to practise for the following week’s test, so please keep hold of these to practise with until our Spelling Tests on a Friday.

Merits will be awarded each week, and we will invite parents & carers to come and join our Merit Assembly via Marvellous Me, so please ensure you are logged in to this.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please speak to your child’s teacher.

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Macadam & Miss Searby

Further information:

Y2 Summer Curriculum Newsletter

Y2 Spring Curriculum Newsletter

Y2 Curriculum Newsletter Autumn

Year 3 Curriculum

Welcome to Summer Term 2024

Our curriculum will continue to have lots of Reading, Writing and Maths opportunities and we are excited to start the new term with our topic ‘The Terrible Tudors’ during which we will learn about what life was like for children during the Tudor times. We will be finding out about King Henry VIII and his wives as well as the Tudor legacy. As part of this topic, we will be creating fabric coin purses similar to those used during Tudor times.

Thank you to everyone who created models over the holiday. They are being displayed in the classrooms.

Homework will be issued every Friday. Please encourage your child to attempt all the questions each week.

We will continue to send spellings home each week on Mondays. Ten words will be sent home for the children to practise and they will be tested on these words on Fridays.

Please encourage your child to read at home at least 3 times per week in order to receive their Regular Reader stamp. Remember that reading any book is fantastic and we would love to see these recorded in your reading records as well.

This term, PE will take place outside if the weather permits. Please send your child with suitable footwear on PE days and remember to remove earrings.

PE days:        Wednesday – 3J                  Thursday – 3W

Merits will be awarded each week, so keep an eye out for a special certificate coming home with your child.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please speak to your child’s teacher.

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Jennings and Miss Williams

Further information:

Y3 Summer Curriculum Newsletter

Y3 Spring Curriculum Newsletter

Y3 Curriculum Newsletter Autumn


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