Year 1 Curriculum
Welcome to Year 1!
During the Spring Term, our focus in Literacy will be Julia Donaldson. We will continue to develop the children’s Bag for Life skills, such as independence, resilience and teamwork. We will be using a range of high-quality picture books, such as those by Tom Percival to help the children explore lots of different themes.
Homework will continue to be given out on a weekly basis. This will be handed out on a Friday and will be linked to spellings, basic skills, phonics and simple activities to help complement their learning within the classroom and in preparation for the National Phonics Screening Check in the Summer Term.
During this term we will continue practising Year 1 spellings through our phonics lesson and now, each week, five words will be sent home on Friday for children to practise each day and they will be tested on these words on the following Friday.
Since the start of the year, the children have made fantastic progress with their reading and in order to further this, please remember to encourage your child to read at home at least 3 times per week. Just a reminder that reading any book is fantastic, not just their phonics book.
Thank you for your continued support.
Miss Atkins, Mrs Dunhill & Mrs Wadley
Year 2 Curriculum
Happy New Year and welcome back to school Year 2!
This term, we will be embedding our alphabetic code through our spelling units, learning all about Lillian Bilocca in History and developing our skills in Dance and games in PE. In Science we will be looking at animals including humans and in Art we will be expanding our modelling skills within nature.
PE lessons this term will begin inside and move outside after half term.
PE days are: 2B – Monday 2S - Wednesday
Your child will read their book in school with an adult three times to develop their fluency, prosody and comprehension. It is important to encourage your child to read at home every week to receive their Regular Reader stamp. Remember that reading any book is fantastic, not just your Phonics book. We would love to see these recorded in your reading records!
Homework will be given out weekly on a Friday to be brought back to school on the following Friday. The homework will be linked to Reading, Writing and Maths, to help complement our learning within the classroom.
Spellings will be given out on a Friday, with your homework, ready to practise for the following week’s test.
Merits will be awarded each week, and we will invite parents & carers to come and join our Merit Assembly via Marvellous Me, so please ensure you are logged in to this.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please speak to your child’s teacher.
Thank you for your continued support.
Miss Searby & Miss Beecher